The four golden rules of ayurvedaAs per the ancient Indian system of medicine – The Ayurveda, our body is a balance of three doshas, namely – vata, pitta and kapha. If these doshas go out of balance, the disease arrives. When the vata goes out of balance, you get over 80 diseases. When the pitta goes out of balance you get approximately 46-50 diseases, and when kapha goes out of balance you get approximately 28 diseases. And if all these three go out of balance you get 148 diseases.

There have been many great ancient ayurvedic physicians in India and among them Rishi Bagh Bhatt, has written two books with approximately 7000 sutras on Ayurveda. Rishi Bagh Bhatt was the disciple of Charaka Rishi. As per Rishi Bagh Bhatt 85% of the times when you are not well, you do not need a doctor, only 15% of the diseases require the care and attention of a qualified physician.

Out of the many golden rules to live a healthy life, if you can follow the following four, you will be able to keep the three doshas in harmony and balance. I am personally following these rules for some time now and find a definite improvement in my wellbeing.

The first golden rule is  not to drink water immediately before or after eating food. Drink water 45 minutes before eating the food and after 1 hour of eating the food. The reason is very simple, if you drink water immediately before or after eating the food, it dilutes the gastric juices and the food is not digested properly resulting in a lot of diseases, gastric discomfort like acidity to start with. It is good to drink fruit juices after food in the morning, butter milk or curd in the afternoon and milk at night. So this is the first golden rule to keep healthy. Simple.

The second golden rule is to drink water sip by sip. Do not drink a glass full of water in one go. The simple reason behind is that when you drink water slowly, the saliva gets into our stomach and keeps the acidity in control. Because when the acidity increases, it results many diseases.

The third golden rule is not to drink cold and worse chilled water. At the most when you need to drink cold water, drink from an earthen pot or matka or ghada. Never drink water from the freezer. This lowers the body temperature and brings down the efficiency of the various reactions going on, as our body is created to work at a specific temperature.

The fourth golden rule is to drink water, 2-3 glasses or more early in the morning on an empty stomach and before brushing your teeth. The acidity is very high in the morning in our stomach, and when you drink water the first thing in the morning, the saliva that goes with it helps to calm down the acidity. The water also helps to build pressure in the large intestine and help relieve constipation.

These four golden rules will help you maintain the three doshas – vata, pitta and kapha in harmony and balance and live a healthy life.


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