Punarnava – Boerhavia diffusa


Punarnava has Madhur, Tikt and Kashaya ras. It is laghu, ruksha and tikshna virya. Punarnava has madhur vipaka. Punarnava helps balance the three doshas and pacifies the vata and khapha dosha and removes the ama dosha.

Packing Size: 60 Tabs

Return: 7 Days



Punarnava is also called Raktkunda or Shothagni in Sanskrit. Punarnava literally means – one that turns into new again. Punarnava rejuvenates the whole body. The botanical name for Punarnava is Boerhavia diffusa.

Punarnava has Madhur, Tikt and Kashaya ras. It is laghu, ruksha and tikshna virya. Punarnava has madhur vipaka. Punarnava helps balance the three doshas and pacifies the vata and khapha dosha and removes the ama dosha.

Punarnava has a good nutritional value and is useful in the treatment of –

  • Arthritis
  • Aids in digestion
  • Diabetes management
  • Prevention of urinary disorders and
  • Promotes weight loss

Punarnava can be taken with milk or water.

Consult an Ayurvedic Doctor for proper guidance.


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