When I came to know that I have very high blood sugar level was a time when I was into heavy exercising. I used to lift heavy weights and exercise almost 1-2 hours 4-6 times a week. My diet was heavy too. I used to eat a lot. Lots of protein, carbs and fats like desi ghee, butter and anything that I thought was good for muscle building.

I don’t know why but suddenly my blood sugar level started rising. I started feeling weak, lots of urination, specially at night and I started drinking a lots of water as my thirst also increased. I could not drive the car to start with because of my weakness. Then I had to lie down in the car all the way to my work place as I could not sit for an hour straight. Started losing weight.

This is when I consulted a doctor and he immediately suggest the test for sugar level. And it was confirmed that I was a diabetic now and the sugar level was around 300 or more. So the problem was nailed and I started on medication. The doctor also suggested me the diet and lifestyle changes.

Regular exercise, controlled food intake at regular intervals and of course timely medication. The sugar levels dropped and I started feeling normal again.

For a few months, I was religiously following the advise of the doctor. Slowly I started believing that I was normal and I could now indulge in eating erratic, skipping my exercise routine and also skipping the medication at times. Life was fun again!

But I was wrong. Nothing was normal. The sugar level started to rise again. And the same problems like weakness, thirst and increased urination. I also lost around 6-7 kilos of body weight. This time I was not surprised. I knew the problem. I regulated my routine – exercise, controlled eating and regular medication. The life was good again.

Everything was working fine till one day I met a good friend of mine who told me he knew of a miracle medication which will get rid of my diabetic problem and I will be able to live a normal life for all the times to come without any medication. I will be able to eat as much sweets as I wished and the sugar levels will not rise. As he was my good friend, I took his advise. Started on this wonder medication.

This time, as earlier, my problems reappeared. With a twist.

I returned from work one fine day with a little fever and weakness. I took that little pill called paracetamol and I was fine the next day. I went to work as usual. In the evening again I had fever. I again took paracetamol and went to work the next day. This almost became a routine for me. Almost after 15 days or so I thought it was time to consult a doctor.

Congratulations to me, my sugar levels shot up to over 400 and as a bonus I got tuberculosis. The doctor told me it was because of my rising sugar level, my body lost immunity and I got this bonus. My doctor said I was fortunate to have survived the condition, any thing could have happened!

My treatment continued for almost 12 months. Thanks to my doctor, I became alright.

One of my friend, who was also a diabetic, indulged in alcohol very frequently. Sadly we lost him due to kidney failure. This came as a rude shock to me.

Now, being wise, I do not let my sugar levels rise. I have experimented with both allopathy and ayurvedic medicines to my diabetic condition.

My conclusion is both are effective in controlling the blood sugar levels provided you can control your diet and regulate your lifestyle. With regular medication and a good doctor doctor on your side.

Currently this is what my lifestyle looks like –

  • I am on an ayurvedic medication called A.D.R.-36 two tablets three times a day half an hour before my regular meals – breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • As I have to rush to my work, a 15-20 minute workout routine in the morning.
  • For breakfast, I take fruits.
  • At lunch I take a plate full of salad before my chapati, rice, dal or vegetables.
  • A healthy snack in the evening.
  • Light dinner and as for lunch, a plate full of salad before dinner.
  • Regular evening walk for 5-6 kilometer.
  • Sufficient water intake as per my body requirement.
  • Regular consultation with my doctor.

If you are a diabetic, take advise from a qualified doctor or an ayurvedic doctor and follow him religiously. Stay healthy! I use the following medicine (This is a combo pack for three months) –

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